Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Communion -- Open or Closed?

Episcopal Cafe, a good blog with lots of Episcopal news, has a report on a study about the communion of the unbaptized. Some would not be at all happy with St. Dunstan's practice of "open" communion, which is not in compliance with the official canons of the church. What do you think? Should only baptized Christians receive communion? Or should all people be fed at the altar? You can find the report at www.episcopalcafe.com/lead/theology/report_on_communing_the_unbapt.html


Sibley Fleming said...

I guess you're the 'willful' that's being referenced in the church canon about communion.

"Regardless of one’s views about whether this canon should be followed, we all agree that it should not be willfully violated in arbitrary, secretive, or idiosyncratic ways, where clergy and parish become a law unto themselves."

Gilda Morris said...

We used to have open communion back in the 70s - babies and all were welcome.

I care much more about what honor God and brings folks closer to God than what a cannon says.

It is a blessing to all to be included totally.