Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Temple of the Almighty is a big place!

One of my joys in life is going camping a couple of weekends a year. Even though my trips are relegated to Scout camps these days, being in the Great Outdoors charges my batteries. My father once said that those who hunt and those who fish are really doing the same thing - getting out into the quiet of nature. On my camping trips, I usually take a long walk, by myself, to soak in the beauty of the Creation.

On the vacation trip I mentioned in a previous message, we made a trip to Muir Woods, north of San Francisco. It is simply a stunningly beautiful place, filled with California redwoods and other gorgeous sights. It is on the list for us to make a return visit when we can spend the entire day there. Around every bend, there is yet another "Oh, wow!" experience. We stopped for a while at one place where we waited for a forest ranger to come give a talk about the trees and plants. We noticed a woman standing off to one side just facing the woods. She looked Native American. It did not take long before we noticed that she was not just standing; she was doing what looked like a liturgical dance. She was in deep meditation, praying to the forest. It seemed almost intrusive to me for others to be walking by and talking as this prayer was in progress. She stayed there for a long time until a young person, probably her grandson, came to get her. She understood what so many casual visitors to places like Muir Woods miss. The Great Spirit has a Sanctuary that is vast, if we only slow down long enough to enjoy and appreciate it.

Bruce Lafitte

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