Friday, November 26, 2010

What Are You Thankful For?

There are people sometimes missing around the Thanksgiving table, those we love who have died or who are maybe in the military or just spread out across the country. As the faces shift in and out, the customs change – maybe one generation adds a pea and olive salad, which eventually takes the place of a tomato aspic shaped like a fish. In our family, Thanksgiving was usually at my grandmother’s -- when she died 10 years ago, it shifted to my house, and so on.

But one thing that doesn’t change is the reason we gather together--to be thankful. Every year we go around the table and each say what we’re thankful for. I’d like to share some thankfulness from our house and invite you to share yours.

So, this year is the first I can remember with my six-year-old nephew Candler, sweet husky-sized boy with one front tooth, participating in the speaking of thanks. He immediately began thinking, looking for the correct answer, as if there could be only one perfect, right Thankful. Finally, knowledge lit up his chubby face “I know! Life! I’m thankful to be alive!”

His three-year-old brother Oliver concurred, “And not go to the hospital.” Candler, as the big brother, often interprets for Ollie. “He keeps remembering ‘hospital’, he’s obsessed with it.” A few months back, the boys were in a fender bender, where Candler had to be taken to the hospital for bumps and bruises.

We all had our regular thankfuls -- being together, food, health, jobs, new babies. But I have to agree with Candler, my very favorite thankful this year is nothing more -— and certainly nothing less--than life. Watching my son Wolfie driving the boys around the back yard in that old jeep he basically built scratch, the little men taking turns in his lap “driving,” with me leaning over the rail calling down “watch the azaleas!”

And I’m also really really thankful for everyone in the parish and Patricia and Joe, and for getting through this quite interesting year. What are your thankfuls?


Bruce Lafitte said...

Often when it falls to me to “say the blessing” before a meal, I will go for the simple approach and use a prayer well-known to many in Scouting. It is called the Philmont Grace, named for the high adventure base at which it originated. It goes like this: “For food, for raiment, for life, for opportunity, for friendship and fellowship, we thank Thee, oh Lord.” It its simplicity, this prayer sums up many of the things for which I am thankful. I am also thankful for being married to the best woman in the world for 33 years. I am thankful for two fine sons who have grown into responsible young men that would make any father proud. [I will tell parents of younger children to have hope! We had our struggles, too.] I am thankful for having two of the finest daughters-in-law in our family now and for the new dimensions they bring to our extended family. I am thankful that we all get along well in my extended family. Finally, I am thankful for being in pretty good shape for the shape I am in!
Bruce Lafitte

Anonymous said...

Having just returned from our Thanksgiving trip to Pensacola Beach, which is where my family has spent the last several Thanksgivings, I'm thankful for another Thanksgiving with my parents; for the beauty of the Gulf Coast; for the ability to walk on the beach with my family and dear friends this year; for Rick and his amazing cooking; for a special time with our wonderful young adult children; and for the many blessings we enjoy every day of the year.

Renee' Kastanakis