Monday, January 30, 2012

St. Paul’s Choir Visits St. D’s

If you want to be extra holy, Patricia said during the announcement in the early service, you can stay and hear St. Paul’s Choir, which will be singing at the regular service. Having missed last year when they visited us and gave us their wondrous gift of song, so I didn’t have a point of reference for the festivities that were cooking in the Parish Hall.

But I hung around after Sunday School and by the time the regular service was starting, I was still standing by the doors listening with Pricilla (she was also at the early service). Before long, we were sharing her bulletin reading the Collect of the Day for the second time. The music, led by Trey Clegg, St. Paul’s director, had our ears perked up and our feet unwilling to move, at least not until “one more song.”

Pricilla eventually gave in and found a seat in the Sanctuary while I sat outside and then wandered in the garden by the church listening to the sound of voices singing “Blessed assurance, Jesus is Mine”, which I imagine went winding through the woods in a mist of grace.

And here’s Patricia: “Blessed be God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

Here’s Sue and Renee and Elizabeth in the kitchen. A big thank you to Sue!! Note the cake in the background with the powder sugar on top and the thick-cut ham and biscuits.

Here’s another sample shot of preparations for coffee time.

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