Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Remembering with Gratitude

In her sermon this past Sunday, Tricia remembered “the Philadelphia 11,” the first women ordained as priests in the Episcopal Church. It was an act of ecclesiastical disobedience and courage for the women, and the bishops who ordained them, since women’s ordination had not yet been approved by the church’s governing body, the General Convention.

This was our opening Collect for the service:
Set us free, O God, from every bond of prejudice and fear; that, honoring the courage of the Philadelphia 11, the first women priests in this country, and the bishops who ordained them, we may always seek to widen the circle of God's love and see the image of God reflected in all people.  Amen.

You can read the text of her sermon here.

If you'd rather hear her preach, click here for a link to the audio file.  You can listen to the sermon online or download it if you prefer.

Visit our website for Tricia's past sermons:

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