Monday, November 17, 2008

My Favorite Hymns (with video!)

Singing the hymn "The Doxology" (also known as ""Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow") I realized how much I love the music at church, especially at St. Dunstan's. Them choir folks sure can sing, that's for sure! And when they sing some of my favorite hymns, I find myself being like my grandfather.

See, every Sunday after going to church, Grandpa would half sing, half mumble whatever hymn was stuck in his head. It was pretty much a standard part of spending time with Grandpa growing up, and one of my fondest memories of him. And I find myself doing the same thing now. Yesterday I raked leaves (lots and lots of leaves) while humming the tune of "The Doxology."

So this week, I hope to embed a video version of some favorite hymns of mine. While the lyrics of "Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow" are nice, it is really the tune, "The Old 100th" is my favorite part. The best version is this one, with different lyrics. (I can't get the video to embed properly, sorry.)

Thanks, Grandpa!


Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Here are some of my favorites (from the Episcopal hymnal) "We the Lord's People" (51) because of its beautiful description of what it means to be the church; "Ah, holy Jesus" (158) for Holy Week; "Come thou fount of holy blessing" (686); "I want to walk as a child of the light" (490). I could go on. Anyone else want to share their favorites?

Anonymous said...

I am late to this party, but I find myself emulating your grandfather (and mine, and probably lots of others) - I whistle hymns all day after church.

Some of my favorites are: Lead On, Oh King Eternal (possibly because I knew someone who, as a child, thought it was Lead On, Oh Kinky Turtle), Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Hail Thee Festival Day, And I Will Raise Them Up, and pretty much any Christmas hymn.