Sunday, June 28, 2009

if only I knew how to blog....

This was is today's Writer's Almanac, I loved it and would like to share, if only I knew how to blog....
Nancy Dillon

The VCCA Fellows Visit the Holiness Baptist Church, Amherst, Virginia
by Barbara Crooker

We are the only light faces in a sea of mahogany,tobacco, almond, and this is not the only way we are different. We've come in late, the choir already singing, swaying to the music, moving in the spirit. When I was down, Lord, when I was down, Jesus lifted me. And, for a few minutes,we are raised up, out of our own skepticism and doubts, rising on the swell of their voices.The singers sit, and we pass the peace, wrappedin thick arms, ample bosoms, and I start to think maybe God is a woman of color, and that She loves us, in spite of our pale selves, so far away from who we should really be. Parishioners give testimonials, a deacon speaks of his sister, who's "gone home," and I realize he doesn't mean back to Georgia, but that she's passed over. I float on this sweet certainty, of a return not to the bland confection of wispy clouds and angels in nightshirts, but to childhood's kitchen, a dew-drenched June morning, roses tumbling by the back porch.The preacher mounts the lectern, tells us he's been up since four working at his other job, the one that pays the bills, and he delivers a sermon that lightens the heart, unencumbered by dogma and theology. For the benediction, we all join hands, visitors and strangers enfolded in the whole, like raisins in sweet batter. We step through the door into the stunning sunshine, and our hearts lift out of our chests, tiny birds flying off to lightin the redbuds, to sing and sing and sing.


Steve Mark said...

Nancy, thanks for sharing. I missed the Writer's Almanac on Sunday. Actually, I miss it a fair amount, but do appreciate the thoughts and information when I'm consciously listening. I'm thinking there are a lot of NPR listeners at St. Dunstan's. What about it, anybody else out there? Steve

Susan at the church said...

Steve -- you can subscribe to the Writer's Almanac at Click on the link on the right hand side of the page -- there are other public radio goodies, too.

JeanneMomma/Gram said...

Today I am starting to write about the parish Fun Day that will be held on Saturday, August 22, 2009, at Callaway Gardens. Tricia and I have been talking about having a parish retreat but we decided that having fun is what we all need to do. Callaway Gardens is a great place to have fun! Claudia Gimson and I are planning the day and are in frequent contact with each other. Peachy Horne has consented to look into the logistics of a golf match and Tricia will conduct a Eucharist to close out the day and send us back home refreshed. I have also asked Bruce LaFitte to play some guitar music at the Eucharist. I will keep everyone updated on this blog and the St. Dunstan's web site.
For now,
Jeanne Taylor