Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Tribute to Our Patron Saint

By Bruce Lafitte

Last week, Daria and I went on a vacation out West with her sister, three of their cousins, spouses, and various offspring. It was a family reunion of sorts. One of our stops along the way was Sterling Vineyards in the Napa Valley. The grounds and buildings there are just beautiful. I was especially intrigued by their bell tower, located in the St. Dunstan's Room. Here is a description of the bells from their website:

The winery’s towers house eight bells from London’s Church of St. Dunstans-in-the-East, originally founded in the 10th century. The church was destroyed by fire in 1666, rebuilt, then destroyed again during the bombing of WWII. Each time, new bells were recast from the old metal to give them superior tonal quality. The rich tolling of these ancient bells sounds down through the valley on the quarter hour.

We heard the bells ring just as we reached the winery on the hill after riding the cable car. Their beautiful sound made me appreciate our Patron Saint and bell maker, St. Dunstan of Glastonbury.

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