Sunday, April 11, 2010

Look for Renewal

The Easter Vigil began outside in the Beech Grove behind the church. Patricia told us this was her favorite service of the year and one of the oldest services in Christianity. Beginning the night before Easter at sundown, we all lit our candles from the Paschal candle. Armed with tiny silver bells, our flickering candles and programs, we followed chants into a darkened sanctuary.

There the altar was shrouded in black cloth.

And then when Lent was over, Patricia and Maggie and Tim stripped the altar of its widows' weeds, revealing light and life and Patricia shouting joyfully "Alleluia! Christ has Risen!" to which we responded "Alleluia! The Lord is Risen Indeed!" And as she repeated these words three times, the sound of little silver bells rang throughout the sanctuary, gaining in volume with the sound of her voice. Alleluia!!

Then, celebrating that new life, we renewed our baptismal vows. Patricia blessed the water, then walked around the sanctuary blessing us all with water, drops shook from a fragrant branch of rosemary.

With Lenten disciplines behind us, Patricia gave us a new task on Easter morning: "I suggest this year we take up an Easter discipline--that we look each day with examples of new life and resurrection in our own lives or in the world and people around us."

Here's the choir the next morning following the Easter service. Despite a late night celebrating the end of Lent after the Easter Vigil service in the Parish Hall (with bubbly apple cider, champagne and cake), there were a few yawns, mostly in the front row.

Here's the St. Dunstan's flute quartet.

There was an Easter egg hunt in the Beech Grove for the little children and another along the nature trail.
Here's a happy Easter girl . . .

And another wearing shades . . .

And three young ladies gathered in their lovely Easter dresses.

1 comment:

christinembird said...

The girl in the shades is Alexa Elizabeth Bird.

She told her other grandmother, who is a Quaker:
"We're going to Gran's church. They'll have a service--that's sort of like a Meeting."

So true! So true! --Christine Bird