Friday, April 18, 2014

Youth Sunday School Classes Install Birdfeeders and and a Bird Bath

From Renee Kastanakis:

As part of our 50th Anniversary celebration, St. Dunstan's Youth Sunday School classes decided they would like to obtain certification of the grounds as a Certified National Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. This certification recognizes properties like St. Dunstan's, which include all of the components of a welcoming haven for local wildlife.

To get this certification, we needed to show that we have a certain number of wildlife friendly elements in our habitat: at least 3 food sources; 1 water source; and 3 cover locations for wildlife to feel protected and raise their young. Of course St. Dunstan's grounds already meet many of these requirements, but the Sunday School class decided to add a food source and water source for birds to enhance our application.

We had two Sunday School classes on the subject. In the first, we learned about the requirements of the certification; discussed how caring for nature was a part of our faith tradition; learned of the types of wildlife that often show up on our property; and then walked the property to decide what projects we would like to do. The most interest was in birdfeeders and bird baths.

On April 13, parishioner Gwen Barnett, who is an avid birder, shared photographs of birds that we will likely see on birdfeeders at the church and gave us advice on placement of the feeders and caring for the feeders and the birds. Then we placed a few feeders and a bird bath in the area outside of the Parish Hall, where we could all enjoy seeing birds during Sunday School classes and coffee hour each Sunday.

To see more pictures, visit us on Facebook.

The Youth class will be responsible for filling the feeders and keeping them clean. If you would like to help with purchasing the seeds or filling the feeders on occasion, I know they would appreciate the help.

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