Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Prayer During Morning Commute

Bruce Lafitte posted this comment below to my request for thoughts about morning prayer routine. I posted again here to make sure people see it! Sibley

Back in 1981, I went to my Cursillo weekend. That could be a whole topic unto itself, but during the weekend I was invited to begin a spiritual discipline or "rule of life" as it is sometimes called. After the weekend, I began the discipline of spending my morning commute to work as my prayer time. I leave the radio off and still spend that time in prayer, to this day. I don't always "say" all of my prayers, but I remind myself that prayer is a conversation. If you are not quiet at times, you can not hear what God is saying to you. One thing I always pray is that I will be a Christian witness in all that I do and say that day. Years ago, I heard someone say that "witness is not something you do; it is something you are". I always try to remember that in how I conduct my life.

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