Sunday, October 4, 2009

All Creatures Great and Small--Blessing of the Animals

Please take a look at these great pics that Vicki Ledet took! Note also there are more pictures of the visitors from the small dog rescue. Vicki has a great eye for photos AND unlike my photos none of these had to be doctored:) Enjoy.

The smallest creature to attend the Blessing of the Animals service this morning, Sunday, Oct. 4, was a praying mantis, who had the best view in the house on the altar at the top of a tall, white candlestick.

But there were also a wonderful number of visitors . . . from the Small Dog Rescue Organization, which parishioners Lindsey Reece and Fair Sutherline are involved with.

And the band played . . .All Things Bright and Beautiful (all creatures great and small. All things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all!)

Some of the blessed were quite fluffy . . .

Some of the blessed got an extra tummy rub . . .

Patricia even blessed this little animal, not the Velveteen rabbit, but you never know . . .

And there was a little white bunny . . .

And my son Wolfie (I couldn't resist) brought a couple of puppies who are big and goofy and not yet leash trained . . .

And this guy (look close) has a big wet tongue . . .

Below, you can see the patience the animals displayed as they waited in line to see Patricia . . .

All in all, it was a cheerful community gathering of St. Dunstan's parishioners and friends. We lift up our hearts!

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